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Hospital waste: Text
Hospital waste: Pro Gallery
Hospital waste is something that should be taken care with utmost importance because of its infectious behavior. Unlike other disposed waste, hospital waste or specifically Bio Medical Wastes(BMWs) must be collected, treated and disposed with some protocols or rules given out by the ministry of environment, forest and climate change under the government. These rules are compulsorily implemented in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, nursing homes, dispensaries, blood banks, veterinary institutions and health care centers. These rules for BMW management and handling came on to power in India during 1998. According to this rule the wastes should be segregated in bags with different colours at the point of generation.
The colour based segregation of bio medical waste is basically 4 groups namely Red category with contaminated recyclable waste plastic bags, Urine Bags, Plastic syringes, Plastic Vials, IV sets etc, Yellow category with Body parts, Placenta, Histopath specimens, solid cotton etc, Blue category with Hospital glassware, ampules, slides, etc ,and White category includes waste sharps.
Hospital waste even includes liquid and domestic waste which can be treated by hospitals or given to the abiding government waste management section accordingly municipality, panchayats or Municipal Corporation.
In cities like Bangalore hospitals wastes are collected and segregated in hospitals which will be taken away by some private companies licensed under Pollution Control Board of the respective states like in Karnataka , KSPCB – Karnataka State Pollution Control Board. Some bio medical waste management companies to whom the hospitals and clinics in Bangalore give their BMWs are Anu Autoclave and incineration services, Maridi Eco industries pvt. Ltd, synod Bio science (p) Ltd, Sembranky environmental Management pvt Ltd. They treat these wastes and dispose them.
Liquid wastes are mostly processed with 2% of sodium hypochloride (bleech) and used for other external uses like flushing of toilet.and watering plants.
-Elena Biju
Hospital waste: Text
Hospital waste: Video
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