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Household waste: Text
Household waste: Pro Gallery

 Household waste disposal:-

House hold disposal also known as domestic waste. It is a disposable material generated by house hold. It is important that hazardous waste should be handled in safe manner to ensure that they are disposed properly so they do not cause any infection to humans and animals.

How to dispose the daily household waste:-

Keep separate containers for dry and wet  waste keep two bags and a wet waste bag in the kitchen and the dry waste for collection of plastic and paper so that shouldn't be mixed with each other that causes bad odor and releases harmful gases. 

House hold waste is a problem.

Disposal of waste has huge environmental impact and can cause serious problems like respiratory problems and could lead to cancer and serious infections. 

                                                                                                                                                                   -Emi Evangeline

Household waste: Text
Household waste: Video
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